Andean Grains II
Lead Organization:
Corporacion INIAP, NRI
Community of Practice:
Across the Andes, but especially in Ecuador, processed and non-native staples like noodles and rice are taking place of highly nutritious native grains like quinoa, amaranth and lupin. The result is both obesity and malnutrition as diets have less protein, fiber and healthy fats. The stigma that has been placed on these native foods has been reversed as they are increasingly being valued by export and high end urban markets. However, much of the ancestral knowledge of how to plant and consume these crops, especially with the modern reality of less time and labor due to migration, has been lost or is outdated.
The INIAP native grains and legumes division has been working over the last two decades to improve access to high producing seeds of these varieties, as well as researching planting practices, recipes, nutrition content and promoting niche markets.
In this new phase of the project, INIAP will expand the capacity of its quinoa and lupin breeding program. It will also investigate principal lupin pests and diseases and develop integrated pest management practices to reduce the use of dangerous agrochemicals in this crop. Lastly, the project will expand greatly to new and more marginal areas and work with strategic local partners to increase Andean grain consumption and production.
2nd Phase:
The pests and diseases that attack lupin in the Andes are largely unstudied, despite having significant negative impacts on yield. As part of a second phase of MF funding, scheduled to run from 1st September 2011 to 31st August 2014, INIAP has requested a scholarship for one student to complete a PhD degree while carrying out research that would lead to the development of agro-ecologically grounded, integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for the most important lupin pests. The student would matriculate at the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) of the University of Greenwich (2011-2013). The PhD studentship will contribute to the development of capacity in entomological research at INIAP. Support for capacity development at INIAP will also be provided through visits to Ecuador by the University of Greenwich thesis supervisors. Finally, it should also be noted that the scope of this research is aligned with the agro ecological intensification (AEI) framework that is currently being discussed by CCRP given the multiple ecological services–beyond its nutritional benefits–which lupin provides to the systems in which it is cultivated.
Grant Aims:
- Develop quinoa and lupin lines through hybridization.
- To generate and validate alternatives for the agroecological management of lupin pests.
- To promote the consumption of lupin, quinoa and amaranth.
- To begin the implementation of a non-conventional seed production and distribution system of good quality Andean Grains.
Outputs and Outcomes:
- Life cycle of lupin seed fly identified.
- New community seed cooperative established and successful.