Blue Marble

Lead Organization:

World Savvy, Inc.




Global challenges that transcend nation-state and agency boundaries include climate change, refugees at record levels, infectious diseases, land degradation, hunger and food insecurity, global poverty and inequality. These problems also cut across the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The definitions of the problems are disputed. Possible solutions are vehemently debated. Nation-state interests, multi-national corporate priorities, international agency agendas, and competition for scarce resources delay concerted action. The stakes are high to address them. These global problems require globally-sensitive solutions with globally appropriate evaluations based on a Blue Marble (whole Earth) perspective, which means thinking globally, holistically, and systemically.

Grant Aims:

This project formally conceptualizes the Blue Marble perspective as a set of global intervention and evaluation principles. This is achieved with input, engagement, and collaboration from an expanded global network of funders, designers, practitioners, implementers, and evaluators. The network includes and involves people from NGOs, the public sector, international agencies, universities, philanthropy, and evaluators.

Outputs and Outcomes:

The project generates new knowledge for global design and evaluation and establishes an active network of Blue Marble thinkers and practitioners for ongoing knowledge generation, application, and dissemination. CCRP is a core contributor and beneficiary from participation in this cohort-network as it addresses key global challenges of food security and planetary sustainability.