New Venture Fund Phase I & II

Lead Organization:

New Venture Fund




The New Venture Fund(NVF) is a public charity that aims to support “innovative and effective public interest projects.”  Two collaborative initiatives of NVF are Global Alliance for the Future of Food (the Global Alliance) and the related AgroEcology Fund (AEF). The Global Alliance facilitates exchange and learning that leverages the individual resources of member foundations and grantees to tackle agricultural and food systems issues from a holistic perspective. Partners work together or align their efforts to tackle complex issues around food and agricultural systems focused on sustainability, security and equity. The mission of AEF, a partner to the Global Alliance, is to enhance the long-term effectiveness of research, advocacy, and movement-building for agroecological solutions by supporting robust collaborative partnerships within, and related to, the field of agroecology.The Global Alliance and AEF hold significant potential for collective impact to help transform global agriculture and food systems. CCRP influences these systems based upon the contributions from CCRP research.

Grant Aims:

Combine resources and influence with other funders via the Global Alliance and the AEF to increase CCRP’s potential reach and builds new networks of diverse stakeholders.Connecting with other agroecology stakeholders and actors.Leverage both platforms capacity to provide a space for credible influence and contextualized scaling within an AEI context.