Post-harvest Uganda III
Lead Organization:
National Agricultural Research Organization
Community of Practice:
This project establishes farmer research networks to drive a sustainable process of scaling up the use of post-harvest handling (PHH) technologies. In the initial phase of the work, the project benefited from farmer participatory approaches to identify constraints and opportunities for improved and appropriate management strategies for PHH of selected produce. Farmers’ involvement research in a following stage, was key for identifying promising PHH options that worked well in various contexts.
Grant Aims:
This project contributes to enhanced participation or involvement of smallholder farmers in post-harvest handling initiatives to improve their food security, nutrition and incomes through use of a farmers’ research network (FRN). Specific objectives include identifying key stakeholders for the establishment and advancement of the frn around PHH technologies, identifying gender and other socioeconomic differences that may affect the smooth functioning of the FRN and identifying community and institutional capacities that will support the sustainable functioning of the FRNs.
Outputs and Outcomes:
Outputs include identification of the FRN stakeholders, their roles and responsibilities that will influence quality of participation and success of the network and documentation of innovations (technological, social, Institutional and organizational) and adaptations that can be piloted in the network. Outcomes include establishment of a FRN for PPH interventions in eastern Uganda and empowered farmers who have the capacity to draw their own research agenda and innovative in mitigating post-harvest challenges in their own contexts.