The Sahel IPM project aims to develop agro-ecological technologies for reducing insect pest losses and increasing the yields of three rainfed crops (pearl millet, sorghum and cowpea) by at least 40% in the project target Sahelian agricultural zones of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger over four years. A collaborative research framework with University of Maradi and INRAN in Niger, INERA in Burkina Faso and IER in Mali, international institutions such as ICRISAT and IITA, and farmers’ organizations in each country will be established for the implementation of research and development activities and capacity building. The project team will confirm the main pests and adjust the research priorities for IPM in light of farmers’ needs, develop management methods and enable the CPS units to support their implementation. These activities will be supported by integrated monitoring, evaluation and planning, as well as capacity strengthening investments. By focusing on biological insect pest management, this project would be an important contribution to agro-ecological intensification of sorghum and pearl millet-based agricultural production systems, which is CCRP’s priority in West Africa.
Grant Aims:
This project aims to reduce yield losses of the main rain-fed crops in the Sahel by development and dissemination of integrated pest management technologies. The following specific objectives are envisaged:
Identify the pests of the targeted rainfed crops, their economic importance, their associated natural enemies and their impact on yield.
Develop integrated management methods (options) for the main insect pests of rainfed crops.
Strengthen the IPM technologies dissemination by farmers’ organizations.
To increase capacity building of national research teams on IPM techniques in the three countries. Country research institutions need additional human resource in the field of integrated pest management. The students and trainees will carry out most of the project activities with supervision by projects PIs and academic supervisors. To evaluate and monitor the project activities through annual meetings involving representatives of the three countries. The team will create a framework and a template for monitoring the implementation of the project and for evaluating the expected results. Exchange visits, workshops and studies about farmers’ perception will support the team’s planning and learning.
Outputs and Outcomes:
This project sets up a participatory research and development framework to increase the productivity and/or reduce yield losses of the selected rainfed crops and alleviate food and nutrition insecurity of target vulnerable farmers, both women and men. The following outputs and outcomes are expected:
The main entomological constraints of pearl millet, sorghum and cowpea will be known and the potential for their integrated management will be identified.
Maps of infestation areas of major rainfed pests, including the FAW, and their impact on yields will be established.
The following will be made available: a list of priority insect pests by crop and country; a list of control methods used by producers and their level of effectiveness; and a directory of the main autochthonous natural enemies of priority insect pests.
At least five effective technologies will be made available, including the use of resistant or tolerant varieties, augmentative parasitoids release and the use of natural biopesticides.
At least 40% of farmers (male and female) in the intervention zone will know and use the mass production techniques of these technologies. These technologies will allow a reduction of 50-80% of the targeted pest populations.
At the level of the three countries, 25 economically viable CPS units will be operational for the production and diffusion of IPM technologies with an annual phytosanitary coverage of 500,000 ha of crops and an increase in yields of the main crops of 20-40%. The membership of these units will include at least 30% women and will take into account the needs of both male and female farmers. Challenges and opportunities to make these private units sustainable will be documented. The capacity building will involve 1,000 producer’s members of farmers’ organizations (30% of women), 40 agents of the public services for crop protection (20% of women), to be able to train others producers about the use of developed IPM technologies.
This booklet gives an overview of the current project portfolio of the Collaborative Crop Research Program (CCRP) in West Africa, with QR codes indicating the respective links to the program’s website (, where more information and resources can be found both for the CCRP and for individual projects. Ce livret Le présent livret donne un […]
Source: Bettina Haussmann, Batamaka Some & Axel Schuch
Date: 2/11/2020
Resource Type: Organizational publication or report