Science, Practice and Movement Hub

Lead Organization:

IDEMS International Community Interest Company




Team members developed a hub that can effectively bring together agroecological science, movement and practice for the benefit of smallholder agriculture. The hub is based at an existing farmer training center in Kenya, the Manor House Agricultural Centre (MHAC). MHAC was founded in 1984 as a place for “people of all races and ages to work together to advance the knowledge and understanding in the fields of agricultural, ecological and renewable energy concerns on both a local and international level”; to provide “education, research and training to advance the knowledge and appropriate technology in said fields”; and for “the property itself to serve the development of said fields with emphasis on the preservation of soil and natural resources.” The work builds on prior research and development activities, and pre-existing collaborative relationships and on-going activities among the partners.

Grant Aims:

This project aims to advance and amplify AE science, practice and movement in the service of smallholder farmers such that smallholder agriculture becomes more sustainable and productive. The team does this by bringing together strategic local, regional and international partners to plan and implement the proposed AE research, education and outreach activities.

Outputs and Outcomes:

The work builds the hub’s capacity-strengthening strategies and programs, update its training materials and related assets, deepen its work on soil health as part of CCRP’s thematic group, and establish a plan to improve the center’s infrastructure so that the 10-acre farm can function effectively as an agroecology hub to serve the region’s farmers, researchers, and agroecology activists and activities.