Farmers Sharing Agroecological Knowledge in Their Own Languages
Published on:
December 6, 2019
Community of Practice:
Access Agriculture is an international, non-governmental organization that hosts an online platform for sharing farmer-to-farmer videos. These well-crafted videos are based on participatory research oriented towards farmers’ priorities, and feature men and women farmers sharing their expertise and innovations in their own languages.
CCRP has in the past engaged with Access Agriculture in supporting filmmaking about CCRP research. Along with partner organizations, CCRP regional teams have observed first hand that farmers appreciate and learn from watching these videos.
Providing farmers with useful information—in a friendly format and in languages they understand—is an important way of sharing agroecological knowledge with the people who need it. It is also a key aspect in supporting CCRP’s farmer research network (FRN) projects thereby expanding the range of technical options that might interest FRN members for their own experiments.
Access Agriculture recently translated sets of videos in the following languages at the links below.
Luhya: https://www.accessagriculture.org/search/all/luh/
Luganda: https://www.accessagriculture.org/search/all/lg/
Dholuo: https://www.accessagriculture.org/search/all/dho/
Chichewa: https://www.accessagriculture.org/search/all/chi/
Bambara: https://www.accessagriculture.org/search/bambara/bm/
Hausa: https://www.accessagriculture.org/search/all/ha/