SHIFT Prize for Transformative Agroecological Research for Development Issues Call for Applications
Published on:
February 16, 2021
The Agropolis Fondation is partnering up with the Biovision Foundation for the SHIFT Prize for Transformative Agroecological Research for Development. This prize aims to recognize collaborative research for development projects and initiatives that have made an exemplary contribution to agroecological transformation of food systems through their transdisciplinary research for development actions.
The SHIFT Prize is intended for projects and initiatives contributing to an evidence-based food system transformation anywhere in the world. Applications are welcomed from:
- Collaborative projects or initiatives with a transdisciplinary approach to research for development.
- Multi- and interdisciplinary applied research projects on food systems, involving agricultural or environmental sciences as well as social sciences or humanities, or other field of scientific research related to food systems, such as health, nutrition, plant, soil, political science and economy.
- Consortia or partnerships of academic or research institutes, civil society organizations, farmer groups, governmental institutions, cooperatives, and/or private sector actors.
The project or initiative should demonstrate achieved or potential impact on the resilience of food systems based on agroecological principles.
The winning project or initiative will receive US$24,000+ unrestricted funding to support its further development and strengthen its impacts.
Deadline for submission is midnight on March 15, 2021.