CCRP Theories of Change
The CCRP Program Theory of Change is a theory of pathways to transformation from unsustainable agriculture systems to agroecological systems. It is animated by an infinity loop diagram that shows how our program and regional grantmaking and assistance bridges local and global processes and action.
CCRP also has thematic theories of change that get into more detail about how change occurs in the following thematic areas: Germplasm Development, Agrobiodiversity & Seed Systems; Farmer Research Networks; Ecological Pest Management; Soil Health; Agriculture for Nutrition; and Agroecological Markets.
We continually test, revise, and refine these theories of change both to improve our own programming as well as that of our grantees and to use what we learn to leverage greater resources for communities. Grantees are also asked to develop explicit theory of change documents.
To read more about the CCRP’s approach to theories of change, please see our ToC Guidance document.
Please click here to see a graphic depiction of our Thematic Buckets of CCRP Active Projects.